With the weather getting warmer, it is essential to keep your horse’s hooves moisturized to help prevent cracking, chips and brittleness. However, with the British summer time including a lot of rain, it can be difficult to know what to do and when to do it. With the wet weather and stabled horses, thrush, smelly frogs and white line disease are more likely to occur. We have found that the Gold Label Frog Oil solution is a great help in fighting these problems as it is a strong antifungal liquid that penetrates around the frog and helps protect your horse’s hooves.
At RB Equestrian, we stock a variety of different hoof care products. In the summertime hooves are likely to become more brittle and drier. Using a hoof moisturizer, such as Equimins or Kevin Bacon’s, is great as they absorb into the hoof wall and promote healthy growth from the horn and the frog. Another popular item is the liquid hoof oils. We love the Carr & Day & Martin Cornucrescine Daily Hoof Dressing as it provides a show ring shine, is easy to apply and aids with strengthening your horse’s hooves.
If you are out competing this year, we definitely recommend using the Absorbine Supershine products. They are small but mighty pots and are available in black and clear. The Supershine is great for adding the show-ring shine to make your horse look fabulous! Our top tip would be to apply a hoof moisturizer before hand and finish off with the Supershine.
Hoof care doesn’t just stop with moisturisers and shiners, you can also add a supplement to your horse’s feed. The NAF Biotin Plus is a useful addition to your horse’s diet as it helps daily hoof growth and gives nutritional support. Another way to look after your horse’s hooves is by checking them twice a day every day and making sure you pick them out and brush out any excess dirt. As the old saying goes, ‘No foot, no horse!’.
Find the products mentioned from the links below:
Gold Label Frog Oil
Equimins Hoof Moist
Kevin Bacon’s Original Hoof Dressing
Carr & Day & Martin Cornucrescine Daily Hoof Dressing
Absorbine SuperShine
NAF Biotin Plus