With the festivities behind us we, and our horses, can get back to the day to day of enjoying our riding, and looking forward to longer days with better weather ahead. However, that is not always easy when we are still very much in the grips of winter. Icy, or very wet and boggy, conditions can mean longer time spent stabled for our horses, limiting their natural exercise. The cold, damp weather seemingly heads straight to their joints at this time of year. Read on for some help with looking after the joints in our senior horses.
After a summer and autumn that felt more like wet, wet, wet than long, hot, and sunny, horse owners are bracing for winter’s biggest challenge: mud… and lots of it. While we’re all familiar with how mud can wreak havoc on soft tissues like heels and legs, how often do we stop to think about its impact on hooves? Lots of exposure to wet, muddy conditions can lead to serious issues. Sound alarming? Don’t worry! In this blog from NAF, it will help you appreciate how to keep ahead of the mud and protect your horse’s hooves this winter!
Winter is nearly here! It’s getting cold and dark, and that means we need to take extra care of our horses. Changes in what they eat and what they do each day can make their guts unhappy. But don’t worry! We have some great tips from NAF to help keep your horse’s belly happy and healthy all winter long.
A guest blog from our friends at NAF explaining why you might want to try NAF Five Star Magic this Autumn. Read on now.
No rinse washes have gained in popularity over recent years as they can help to provide a revitalising and cleansing wash down without the continual requirement for bathing. This guest blog from NAF describes their own selection of no rinse washes designed for use all year round.
As we start to think about feeding our horses and ponies through the winter ahead, now is a good time to be reviewing their diet. How do we ensure our horses and ponies are on a healthy balanced diet, but one that won’t break the bank?
Kate Hore RNutr (Animal) R.Anim.Technol Senior Nutritionist at NAF guest writes our new blog guide. One of the most important…